We are a fully inclusive nursery and are able to meet all the needs of children with SEND.
How do we know if a child needs extra support?
At Just Imagine day Nursery Canvey Island we follow the key person approach. On the child’s initial first day of settling they will be allocated a key person who will work closely with them and the parent/carer to ensure that a bond is built and that the child’s individual needs, abilities and interests are recorded. An All about Me booklet will be completed with the parent/carer and the key person. This is the initial opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s starting points and any concerns or worries they may have.
Once this information has been compiled the key person and the parent/carer will set the child’s first set of development next steps to work towards. On a daily basis observations and activities are carried out by the key person to support each child’s development need. We use the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework as a guideline to help us ensure children are developing in all areas of learning. From this information, the key person may find that additional support is needed. Parents/carers will be informed and the next stage will be discussed together.
How will we support your child?
We have a nursery SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) and ENCO (Equality Named Co-ordinator) who have been trained to support the key person, parent/carers and children to meet each child’s individual needs. This could be from offering advice or putting strategies in place to ensure that every child is able to access the same experiences. We have a close relationship with outside agencies that we may need to liaise with to help support the child’s individual needs, this includes:
- Area SENCO
- Health visitors
- Speech and Language therapist
- Local Children centres
Not only will these people support the nursery they are also here to support families. Any information recorded whilst in the nursery will always be shared with the parents/carers. We will not contact outside agencies or disclose any information without the permission of parents/carers first.
How will we support transitions?
From the day that your child enrols they will be designated a key person. They will support the parents/carers and child to settle into the nursery. They will be responsible for monitoring and tracking your child’s development.
As your child progresses through the nursery the key person will ensure a smooth transition into each room. They will provide the new key person with a detailed handover as to where the child is developmentally and also their likes and dislikes. These transitions will take place on the days that the child is in and will be supported by their key person. Parents/carers will be notified when these settling session will take place.
When the time comes for your child to start school their key person will fill out a school transition report. This will give an overview of your child’s development, interests and abilities. This will be shown to parents/carers prior to being passed onto the schools. If any parents/carers have any concerns or matter that you wish for us to address with the teachers then it will be added to the report.
We encourage all parents to attend transition meetings at the school. We get in touch with all the schools and invite the teachers into the setting to meet the children, this allows us to hand over our school transition report. We speak about friends that maybe also going to that school and ways that will help the transition from nursery to school easier for the individual child. We invite teachers to visit our setting to see how the child interacts with others and also to get to know each other in an environment where the child feels safe.
On some occasions there may be extra settling days needed for school and we would offer for the key worker and the child to attend the school during the time that they are at nursery. This is all dependant on the school and on the child’s need for extra sessions.
We have a close link with all local schools and every year we liaise with them to gather spare uniforms for dress up and also photos of the school so that the children can familiarise themselves with the surroundings. On the last term of the children being at nursery we do focus on preparing them for school.
Nursery Manager – Marija Juozulyne
01268 699 244
Area Senco- Essex County Council
Tel: 033301 34736
SEND information advice and support service helpline
Tel: 03330 138913