News & Updates
Woking safely during coronavirus (COVID-19).
Our nursery is now fully open to all the children as of Monday 1st June 2020 with staggered start entries. We have looked through the government’s advice for our sector and came up with some ways we can best put this into practice.
You must understand that with the best will in the world and with whatever methods or practices we put in place it is impossible for children to socially distance from each other or the staff. Keeping this in mind, we cannot apply the two meters social distance rules. If your child needs a hug, they will receive one, but we will apply our common sense in doing so. The staff have been advised not to wear facemasks while working but we will wear one and other PPE if your child begins to show any symptoms. We cannot do our job from a distance. The staff will always exercise judgment for the highest standard of safety and cleanliness.
To allow us to correctly ensure that Health & Safety, as well as the required ratios as set by Ofsted to minimize the risk of Covid -19 to children in our care, our staff members and you, we are asking you to follow our new procedures and comply with Parent’s code of conduct Click here.
For any questions, please call the nursery on 01268 699 244 or email us at:
We thank you all for your continued support as we work together to get through this uncertainty and trying time. We will continue to keep you updated with new information. For more upto date information on COVID-19 visit: