age groups
Age Groups
Our rooms are split up into four different age groups to offer the best level of care and learning for their age.
Venus and Mars – 0 to 2 years
Our aim is to provide a friendly and caring atmosphere in a homely environment.
We discuss with each parent their baby/toddler’s daily routine and try to fulfil this to the best of our ability.
We have two (2) rooms: Venus for our 0 weeks -1 year old and Mars for our 1- 2 year olds.
As each baby/toddler has a different routine set at home we believe a flexible approach towards our daily routine in Venus leads to meeting each baby/toddler’s individual needs. We endeavour to follow each child’s routine as set at home until they are settled and old enough to follow the nursery’s daily routine.
Our staff help to develop the children’s physical, emotional, intellectual, language and social development skills by following the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
We also use baby signing to help develop the baby’s communication skills and to help us meet their needs.
The daily routine is only a guideline to be followed and is devised to meet the children’s individual needs.
Saturn – 2 to 3 years and Jupiter – 3 to 5 years
In Saturn, the children continue to use baby signing to help the children communicate their growing needs.
Both Saturn and Jupiter rooms provide stimulating environments for the children to learn and develop skills through following The Early Years Foundation Stage.
Our staff aims to develop the children to their full potential at a pace that is suitable for the child, with consideration given to the parent’s wishes.
Our staff provide a variety of activities that encourage children’s development. The main principle of our nursery is that children learn through play.
Communication, Language and Literacy – picture books, puzzles, games, name recognition, mark making, drawing, modelling, reading and writing etc.
Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy – Water play, abacus, tills and money, puzzles, magnetic numbers, tape measures and magnets etc
Personal, Social and Emotional – Home corner, dolls and prams, dressing up, play kitchen and utensils, food, group games, small world play, children’s choice etc
Knowledge and Understanding of the World – Puzzles, books, maps, weather board, tactile play, construction, etc
Physical – Bikes, hoops, parachute, balls, threading, pegs and boards, music movement, dance, cutting etc
Creative – Messy play, sand, play dough, painting, gluing, easel, music, props and make believe etc.
All activities are structured to develop the children’s independence, confidence and self- worth in an environment that is both safe and stimulating.